In the campaigns table, for each campaign we mention several examples of interesting pages for that type of campaign (mentioning what elements make them interesting).

We do not recommend copying exactly any page. The idea is to take the interesting concepts of each example, and then adapt them to the characteristics and goals of your organization.

Creating great landing pages is complex. There are many issues to consider, and sometimes it can take a lot of work. Unfortunately, many nonprofits don't have professional designers or the time to create dozens of new pages for their Google Ads campaigns.

That's why we are going to focus here on giving you some basic tips to easily improve the results of your landing pages and create new pages without much work.

Basic tips for landing pages

There are many things to consider to create great landing pages (layout, usability, text, images, loading speed, trust elements, etc.).

Here we are just going to mention a few minimum requirements that a landing page must meet to achieve good results:

1) Page must answer what the user searched. For example, if they searched for "online volunteering", you should take them to a page that specifically talks about online volunteering. Not to a generic volunteer page and even less to pages that talk about other topics.

2) Page must have clear calls to action. It should be very clear in the page what is the next step you want the user to take (donate, fill out a form, subscribe to a newsletter, share content…).

3) Page must load perfectly on phones. It is important to check that everything is displayed well and that it loads quickly on mobile devices, because nowadays more than 50% of the visits may come from phones. A common error is to create the pages from a computer and pay little attention to the mobile experience.

Create new pages with few resources

A frequent problem, especially in small organizations, is that they have websites with little content. Sometimes they only have a few pages explaining what the organization does and that's all. No blog, no useful articles, no videos or anything like that.

This greatly limits the potential of Google Ad Grants for these organizations. It's not useful to detect many opportunities on Google (many searches that would have great potential for promoting the organization) if they have no pages or content to answer those searches.

Ideally, you should analyze which keywords have the most potential for your organization and then start building high-quality pages on those topics. But creating dozens of new pages can take hundreds of hours. Many nonprofit organizations do not have the time or resources for this

That's why we propose here several easy and cheap options to create new landing pages.